For 2012 we are offering a very exciting trip to Guatemala featuring the wonderful folkloric celebration of the Day of the Dead:
We expect this trip to fill fast-- based on the response to our 2005, 2008 and 2010 Day of the Dead trips, so if you are interested, look the itinerary over now and request an application soon!
Our 2001 Guatemala summer excursion sold out, as did our Guatemala New Year's trip 2002/03! And so did our Easter 2004 trip, our 2005 Day of the Dead trip, our 2007 Easter trip and our 2008 and our 2010 Day of the Dead trips. So don't wait too long to sign on. If you haven't made up your mind about visiting Guatemala yet, be sure to visit our web pages on Antigua, Chichicastenango, Maya costume, and Pacaya Volcano-- Seeing these pages will convince you! So much to see in a country just the size of Tennessee!
"I was walking through Tikal preserve around 4:40 PM. The sky threatened rain and the forest floor was dim. I came around a bend in the narrow trail and noticed something large across it. I froze and could scarcely believe my eyes. On the trail 20 feet in front of me was a jaguar lying on his left side. His tail was pointed down the trail towards me. His head was cocked over his right shoulder. His dark eyes were studying me...intensely. We both stared at each other for perhaps 10's difficult to objectively gauge time in a charged situation like that. He was about the size of a large Rottweiler, maybe 80 pounds, with a stocky build. His coat was a dull yellow brown with black spots. I think he may have been rolling in the trail dust when I stumbled upon him. The big cat eventually decided I was neither a threat nor a meal, sprang to his feet, and padded away down the trail, not in too much of a hurry." --Ray McAllister, on Rutahsa Adventures' June 2001 Guatemala trip.
To enquire about Rutahsa's Guatemala group excursions or to arrange guided trips for your private party, e-mail us at: Rutahsa Adventures
For an independent evaluation of Rutahsa's Guatemala excursions, take a look at what the travel experts at Arthur Frommer's "Vacations for Real People" have to say about our Guatemala trips. Frommer's has reviewed and highly recommended our Guatemala trips since 1998. Here's their review of our summer 2002 Guatemala excursion: Frommer's Guate-02 review. And here's their latest rave: Frommer's 2005 Guate-05 recommendation. Don't forget to use your "back" button to return to Rutahsa's homepage!
Rutahsa's 1999, 2000, 2001 and New Years 2002 and 2003 Guatemala Excursions were terrific successes. Not only was Guatemala wonderful as always, but the groups were composed of marvelous traveling companions: artists, architects, teachers, students, social activist lawyers, physicians, radiologists, an EPA scientist, a highway engineer, a speech pathologist, an historic preservationist, computer software and hardware specialists, an insurance adjuster, and retirees of various backgrounds. Quite a variety! We feel privileged to travel with such people.
"Thank you, thank you, thank you! It was incredible and I look forward to returning." --Jo Stealey, participant in the 1999 Guatemala trip.
All photos on this website and its subset of Rutahsa Adventures' websites are copyrighted by Janie and Ric Finch, unless specifically credited to other photographers. Prior permission is required for the use of these images by other persons in electronic media or printed media. For information e-mail Rutahsa Adventures.